
Our team has identified key publications on pragmatism and pragmatic ethics. The following resources can, therefore, be helpful for understanding these theoretical approaches.


  1. Bogossian A, Gorter JW, Racine E. Protocol for a scoping review about ethics in transition programmes for adolescents and young adults with neurodisabilities. BMJ open. 2018;8(8):e020914 (Figure 1 only). Find out more
  2. Racine E. Can moral problems of everyday clinical practice ever be resolved? A proposal for integrative pragmatist approaches. In: Ethics in child health – Principles and cases in neurodisability. Mac Keith Press, London; 2016. p. 33-48. Find out more
  3. Racine E. Pragmatism and the contribution of neuroscience to ethics. In: Neuroscience, neurophilosophy and pragmatism: Brains at work with the world. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK; 2014. 30 p. (Pages 19-30 are the most relevant). Find out more
  4. Racine E, Cascio MA, Montreuil M, Bogossian A. Instrumentalist analyses of the functions of ethics concept-principles: a proposal for synergetic empirical and conceptual enrichment. Theoretical medicine and bioethics. 2019 Aug 1;40(4):253-7. Find out more
  5. Miller FG, Fletcher JC, Fins JJ. Clinical pragmatism: a case method of moral problem solving. In: Introduction to clinical ethics. Haggerstown, Maryland: University Publishing Group; 1997:21-34.
  6. Gouinlock J. The moral writings of John Dewey. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books; 1994. (The book’s introduction is the most relevant).
  7. Miller FG, Fins JJ, Bacchetta MD. Clinical pragmatism: John Dewey and clinical ethics. The journal of contemporary health law and policy. Fall 1996;13 9(1):27-51.
  8. Aiguier G, Loute, Alain. L’intervention éthique en santé: un apprentissage collectif. Nouvelles pratiques sociales. 2016;28(2):158-172.
  9. Shook JR. Pragmatism, pluralism, and public democracy. Revue française d’études américaines. 2010;124(2):11 28.
  10. Biesta G. Pragmatism and the philosophical foundations of mixed methods research. In: Tashakkori A, Teddlie C, eds. SAGE Handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.; 2010:95-118. (Pages 12-21 are the most relevant).
  11. Racine E, Cascio MA. The false dichotomy between empirical and normative bioethics. AJOB empirical bioethics. 2020 Jan 2;11(1):5-7. Find out more
  12. Foucart J. Pragmatisme et transaction. La perspective de John Dewey. Pensée plurielle. 2013;33-34(2):73 84.
  13. Pappas GF. John Dewey’s ethics: Democracy as experience. Indianapolis:: Indiana University Press; 2008.
  14. Fesmire S. John Dewey & moral imagination. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press; 2003.