Notre équipe a identifié des publications clés portant sur le pragmatisme et l’éthique pragmatique. Vous pourrez ainsi consulter les ressources qui suivent pour mieux comprendre ces approches théoriques.
- Bogossian A, Gorter JW, Racine E. Protocol for a scoping review about ethics in transition programmes for adolescents and young adults with neurodisabilities. BMJ open. 2018;8(8):e020914 (Figure 1 seulement). En savoir plus
- Racine E. Can moral problems of everyday clinical practice ever be resolved? A proposal for integrative pragmatist approaches. Dans: Ethics in child health – Principles and cases in neurodisability. Mac Keith Press, London; 2016. p. 33-48. En savoir plus
- Racine E. Pragmatism and the contribution of neuroscience to ethics. Dans: Solymosi T, Shook JR, éds. Neuroscience, neurophilosophy and pragmatism: Brains at work with the world. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK; 2014. 30 p. (Se concentrer sur les pages 19-30). En savoir plus
- Racine E, Cascio MA, Montreuil M, Bogossian A. Instrumentalist analyses of the functions of ethics concept-principles: a proposal for synergetic empirical and conceptual enrichment. Theoretical medicine and bioethics. 2019 Aug 1;40(4):253-7. En savoir plus
- Miller FG, Fletcher JC, Fins JJ. Clinical pragmatism: a case method of moral problem solving. Dans: Fletcher JC, Lombardo, Paul A., Faith Marshall, Mary, Miller, Franklin G., éd. Introduction to clinical ethics. Haggerstown, Maryland: University Publishing Group; 1997:21-34.
- Gouinlock J. The moral writings of John Dewey. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books; 1994. (Se concentrer sur l’introduction du livre).
- Miller FG, Fins JJ, Bacchetta MD. Clinical pragmatism: John Dewey and clinical ethics. The journal of contemporary health law and policy. Fall 1996;13 9(1):27-51.
- Aiguier G, Loute, Alain. L’intervention éthique en santé: un apprentissage collectif. Nouvelles pratiques sociales. 2016;28(2):158-172.
- Shook JR. Pragmatism, pluralism, and public democracy. Revue française d’études américaines. 2010;124(2):11 28.
- Biesta G. Pragmatism and the philosophical foundations of mixed methods research. Dans: Tashakkori A, Teddlie C, éds. SAGE Handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research. 2 éd. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.; 2010:95-118. (Se concentrer sur les pages 12-21).
- Racine E, Cascio MA. The false dichotomy between empirical and normative bioethics. AJOB empirical bioethics. 2020 Jan 2;11(1):5-7. En savoir plus
- Foucart J. Pragmatisme et transaction. La perspective de John Dewey. Pensée plurielle. 2013;33-34(2):73 84.
- Pappas GF. John Dewey’s ethics: Democracy as experience. Indianapolis:: Indiana University Press; 2008.
- Fesmire S. John Dewey & moral imagination. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press; 2003.