This chapter offers a critical analysis of two cases of neuroeducation knowledge transfer in which the findings of research on the brain and cognitive functioning are appealed as justification for specific educational practices. The first case which underlines the potential for neuroscience to transform how we view moral reasoning, deliberation and choice, and, consequently, ethics education concerns behavioral ethics. The second case which underlines the potential for neuroscience to transform the way people raise their children and understand the reasons why certain childcare practices might be preferable to others involves examining the use of findings in neuroscience to justify a specific set of early childcare practices known as responsive parenting. Jack Shonkoff argues the effective translation of the results of research that on child development to the realm of policy and practice requires that careful attention be paid to the distinction between established knowledge, reasonable hypotheses, and unwarranted or irresponsible assertions in the field of investigation.
Maxwell B, Racine E. Two cases in neuroeducation knowledge transfer: Behavioral ethics and responsive parenting. Dans : Clarence Joldersma, édit., Neuroscience and Education: A Philosophical Appraisal, New York : Routledge, 2016, p. 53-71