Abstract: Forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI), like deep learning algorithms and neural networks, are being intensely explored for novel healthcare applications in areas such as imaging and diagnoses, risk analysis, lifestyle management and monitoring, health information management, and virtual health assistance. Expected benefits in these areas are wide-ranging and include increased speed in imaging, greater insight into predictive screening, and decreased healthcare costs and inefficiency. However, AI-based clinical tools also create a host of situations wherein commonly-held values and ethical principles may be challenged. In this short column, we highlight three potentially problematic aspects of AI use in healthcare: (1)  dynamic information and consent, (2) transparency and ownership, and (3) privacy and discrimination. We discuss their  Impact on patient/client, clinician, and health institution values and suggest ways to tackle this impact. We propose that AI-related ethical challenges may represent an opportunity for growth in organizations.


Racine, E., Boehlen, W., & Sample, M. (2019). Healthcare uses of artificial intelligence: Challenges and opportunities for growth. Healthcare Management Forum. https://doi.org/10.1177/0840470419843831


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