The Montreal Health Ethics Conference Series is an annual series of bilingual conferences /webinars that aim to bring together multiple public agents regarding different subjects in health ethics. The series’ objective, supported by many academic institutions located in Montreal, is to promote interdisciplinary reflection as well as foster new ways of thought that better assemble the larger public.
The Montreal Health Ethics Conference Series aims to bring clinicians, academics, patients, politicians, public figures, students and community members together to think about and discuss issues in health ethics. It has hosted over a hundred of scholars from local and international institutions since 2007.
2025 THEME: Ethical Issues Related to Women’s Health and Well-being
S'épanouir par de bons soins en gériatrie, Félix Pageau, MD, FRCPC, Université Laval
Collaboration intersectorielle et accès aux soins des personnes LGBTQI+ migrantes, Ahmed Hamila, PhD, Université de Montréal
LGBTQ+ health care praxis: Building more equitable and just futures today, Zena Sharman, Writer, speaker, strategist and LGBTQ+ health advocate
Une culture de santé globale et d’équilibre pour nos travailleurs de la santé, JACYNTHE BOISVERT ET ANNE-VALÉRIE FOURNIER
Le management des risques éthiques : un projet concret pour favoriser le développement d’une culture sensible à l’éthique dans votre organisation, Yves Boisvert, Prof et chercheur, ÉNAP
Transition de soins, culture organisationnelle et le projet participatif Parachute, panel IRCM & CHU Sainte-Justine
Apprentissage organisationnel en santé et services sociaux : approche et mécanismes, Audrey L’Espérance, PhD
S'épanouir par de bons soins en gériatrie, Félix Pageau, MD, FRCPC, Université Laval
Collaboration intersectorielle et accès aux soins des personnes LGBTQI+ migrantes, Ahmed Hamila, PhD, Université de Montréal
LGBTQ+ health care praxis: Building more equitable and just futures today, Zena Sharman, Writer, speaker, strategist and LGBTQ+ health advocate
Une culture de santé globale et d’équilibre pour nos travailleurs de la santé, JACYNTHE BOISVERT ET ANNE-VALÉRIE FOURNIER
Le management des risques éthiques : un projet concret pour favoriser le développement d’une culture sensible à l’éthique dans votre organisation, Yves Boisvert, Prof et chercheur, ÉNAP
Transition de soins, culture organisationnelle et le projet participatif Parachute, panel IRCM & CHU Sainte-Justine
Apprentissage organisationnel en santé et services sociaux : approche et mécanismes, Audrey L’Espérance, PhD
More than ever, the links between health and the environment are known and constitute a burning issue for citizens. But their power to act on their social and natural environment depends closely on the existence of democratic institutions that make room for the voice of individuals and groups. It is to address these questions that, in this new series of conferences, we will address the links between, on the one hand, democracy and its institutions and, on the other hand, the development of sustainable health. Together, we will discuss marginalization and inclusion in the context of women’s health, the links between sustainable health and prevention, access to green spaces and spaces for civic discourse and their impact on health, democratic reform of health systems, and numerous innovative experiments aimed at democratizing health and creating citizen spaces.
Because thinking about health means working to improve it for everyone.
Réduire les inégalités sociales de santé : Quels leviers avons-nous pour agir ?, Janie Houle, PhD
Mettre sur pied des laboratoires vivants en santé au Québec : expériences et réflexions, Bénédicte D'Anjou
Quand la santé durable rejoint santé participative, inclusive et éco-sociale : moyens d’action des agences subventionnaires, Carole Jabet, PhD, FRQ-S
Dépistage préventif pour les patients sans médecin de famille, Bernadette Thibaudeau
Vers la justice épistémique dans la recherche avec les personnes autistes., Amandine Catala, PhD
Green Bioethics: Sustainable Health Care, Cristina Richie, PhD
Adaptation, inclusion et partenariat, Annie-Danielle Grenier, autrice, conférencière et patiente partenaire
Le droit d’initiative en matière de consultation publique de la Ville de Montréal : action collective et démocratie directe , Laurence Bherer, PhD
Un système de santé adaptatif et inclusif ? Le cas d’un réseau intersectoriel de proximité au service des personnes réfugiées en Estrie, Lara Maillet, PhD
La prévention, la voie de la pérennité, Pierre Lavoie, cofondateur du Grand défi Pierre Lavoie, athlète et conférencier.
La réforme de la santé en Suède : quelles leçons pour le Québec ? Stéphane Paquin, ENAP; GERIQ
2022 series: Information and Health: Still the crux of the matter?
After decades of promoting patient rights and organizational transparency, is information still the crux of the matter in healthcare? It is clear that many barriers to an optimal flow of information: the opacity of information on the functioning of the health system, the overabundance of contradictory information on mental and physical health, the emergence of telehealth platforms, and the role of the media in providing accurate information on health in times of pandemic. The Montreal Health Ethics Conference Series will call on various stakeholders from political, scientific, and government circles, as well as patients to determine whether information and its accessibility are still a fundamental health issue. We will try together to understand why and for whom this issue persists and discuss the possible solutions and promising practices
Panel d'ouverture: Gestion de l’information en santé en contexte de pandémie, Valérie Borde, Philippe Mercure, Dr. André Veillette
Les aspects légaux de l’information en santé, Me Geneviève Piché, avocate spécialiste, droits en santé
Innovations et information en santé : Dialogue avec Dre Michèle de Guise
Panel: Sport, information et santé mentale, Dr. Christiane Ayotte, Sylvie Bernier, Enrico Ciccone, Dre Suzanne Leclerc
Les données cliniques 'en vie réelle': Pourquoi est-ce à la fois si nécessaire, difficile et risqué?, Dr. Aude Motulsky
Panel: Maladies mal comprises, soins de qualité et information en santé, Charli Arcouette, Dr. Emilia Liana Falcone, Dr. Amir Khadir, Jérémie Meier-Sénéchal
Les prises de risque d’une pédagogie de l’éducation thérapeutique du patient, Dr Rémi Gagnayre
Une analyse politique des barrières à l’accès aux données pour la recherche en santé, Damien Contandriopoulos
What is brain death? The imperative to communicate honestly and transparently with the public, Dr. Robert Truog
L’information est-elle toujours le nerf de la guerre? - Retour sur la Série de conférences 2022
2021 series: Wellness, health and human flourishing
More than ever, the question of well-being is at the heart of our lives and our concerns, but what role do we really give it in our personal and professional lives and more broadly in our society? Does the dream of a good life guide our health and social choices? Is this ideal accessible to all? How does our health care system respond to different visions of health and wellness? What place does this ideal take in our social, economic and political life? This series of lectures will highlight the perspectives of leading international experts reflecting on ethical issues related to wellness. The series will also focus on a number of critical interventions that will lead us to reflect on an inclusive vision of wellness and health, particularly for Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and marginalized people.