Abstract: Youth with neurologic conditions experience multiple life transitions. The transfer from pediatric to adult health care systems exemplifies one such complex and multifaceted transition that occurs in parallel with developmental, legal, and social changes that may influence the roles and responsibilities of youth and their caregivers. As a result, ethical situations, questions, and challenges may surface in transition care to which pediatric neurologists may be confronted. In this article, we focus on the topic of autonomy and situations that may arise in transition care in the context of pediatric neurology. Building from a clinical case, we present the concept of contextualized autonomy to work through the questions that arise in the case and propose ways of thinking through those challenging situations in transition care.

Mots clés: jeunesse, paralysie cérébrale, transition des soins de santé, autonomie, éthique pragmatique de la santé.




Bogossian Aline, Majnemer Annette, Racine Eric. Contextualized autonomy in transitional care for young people with neurologic conditions: The role of the pediatric neurologist. Journal of Child Neurology, 2020; https://doi.org/10.1177/0883073820918454.